I just watched the second world trade center collapse
moments ago.

 I was supposed to go in tonight to see Matthew
Herbert play and well...celebrate my birthday. Maybe
my family and i can make some techno in the kitchen
for something to the same effect.

I hope all the nyc and washington DC 313'ers are safe
and sound.perhaps those stranded can gather up and get
a room uptown and have a party of their own.:)


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Seems I'm stuck here at the office for a while as
> everything in NYC is shut down. For those of you
> outside the area, I can tell you that it's pretty
> crazy here in NYC. I'm guessing that Richie will not
> play tonight at Centro-Fly. Was anyone on the list
> planning to go?
> -dave (wondering how I will get home to Connecticut)
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