Peter, glad you are ok....we have the news on here in midtown and it looks 
surreal. It's a terrible thing no only here but in washington and PA. Emotions 
are pretty heavy here at the office.

Didn't mean to offend with the question reguarding richie...was just looking 
for a bit of good to focus on for a moment. Watching the news and seeing so 
much tragedy is a bit overwhelming.

"Grammenos, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I saw richie last night at guernica and i don't think he's up yet ;) Joel
Mull did an amazing live p.a., tapping snare drums and sampled loops on the
fly w/ his akai. 

I'd be surprised if Richie is spinnig tonight, NYC is mad right now, I just
came from Downtown about 5 blocks from the WTC when the first tower blew up.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:04 AM
Subject: [313] WTC

Seems I'm stuck here at the office for a while as everything in NYC is shut
down. For those of you outside the area, I can tell you that it's pretty
crazy here in NYC. I'm guessing that Richie will not play tonight at
Centro-Fly. Was anyone on the list planning to go?

-dave (wondering how I will get home to Connecticut)

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