James Michael Bishop wrote:
> yeah thats right. how often do we need to here the racist crap from mike? who
> care who he is or where he stands. i respect everyone 100% on this list accept
> 1 person mike taylor when he brings up his racist comments for every 
> situation.
> maybe its cause i am white and could never make a track he would listen to or
> maybe even like.  i think i a desciminated against, apparantly my DNA does not
> allow me to be in the hip crowd because whenever us whities come around it all
> goes to hell.
> please dont respond, leave it at that.  a good hint to mike to chill out.

That's a bit rich, isn't it? 
First accuse someone of racism, then deny him the right to respond.

I'm sure that Mike Taylor can defend himself better than I can, but I am
not going to leave such an accusation of a friend unchallenged. First of
all, Mike is white, so for him to have a racist, anti-white stance would
be a bit odd. What he does have, is a very sharp eye for the racial
issues that go along with with the music industry and club scene. While
the cynical way in which he sometimes addresses these issues may not be
to everyone's tastes, it does make people open their eyes and think,
especially since more often than not he is spot on. 

You may close your eyes and ears and pretend that everything's cool (and
on an individual level they may very well be), but you need to
acknowledge the issues before you can solve them. Ignorance doesn't make
them go away. I am glad that there are people like Mike who continue to
battle this ignorance.


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