R.Y.Fixer wrote:

what bugs you so much?

I just told you what bugs me: people making a big thing out of a mole hill, it doesn't matter what the deal is.

Plus I think I have a right to say what I feel, just like the next person. I love techno and I am a collector too and I never sell anything I get but if the next person wants to then they have the right to. The most you can expect as a label is to have the record out
there circulating.

Do you constantly get harassed by Detroit/or
techno people for selling the promos they gave you?

As a matter of fact, I'm not on anyone's promo list. Nor would I care to be.

Do you have to
fight your way thru hit squads of Detroit/or techno people who are
checking all record bags for illegally sold promos?

Nope, read above.

If so many things
bug you about Detroit/or techno people, as you seem to imply, why are
you here, right in the middle of us, opening yourself up to so much more

Like I said even though I have pet peeves doesn't mean I don't have a love or passion for techno. Been lovin' it for a long ass time too. But that's not even the point. All I'm saying is people have a right to do whatever they want with what's "theirs". No need to put more into what I already said so plainly.


On Tue, 2002-01-15 at 00:04, phono_funk wrote:

This is one of the things that bugs me about Detroit/or techno people. Its not a million dollars at stake here. Take a chill pill.

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