yup, probably their best album, there are a couple of killer early electro
tracks in there... I think it was reissued on CD a couple of years ago by
Mute, along with most of their catalogue.
BTW, I've seen in The Wire that there should be a new Chris & Cosey comp
released, anybody got it ? and also, when is the great Tresor comp planned
for ?

> found this on ebay for anyone who's interested, absolutely
> nothing to with
> me and I won't be bidding for it either, thought somebody
> might like to
> hear this often mentioned album:
> Throbbing Gristle: 20 Jazz Funk Greats LP (Current bid - $6.50)
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1500996955

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