From: "Mike Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One thing I do need to get my
hands on is Wreckers Of Civilization. It is a telephone book sized Coum
Transmissions/TG bio. The bit I read was good, I just need to get around to
picking it up. The ReSearch books on TG are good as well, but nearly as

I've got a little biscuit tin...

you might want to get the two diferent copies of REsearch magazine that have TG articles in them. they are both pretty good and fun to read. one is in the industral culture handbook which has articles on TG, Cabaret Volitare , montie coazaza (sp. "guys a freak"), non (extra freaky), and a few others I forget, but anyways it is a cool book with weird pictures and biazare articles. the second one I have not read in full so I cant comment on it's worth but it is TG and william burrows. in my glance over the articles looked diferent them the handbook.

ps. I forget which person it was but one of the articles in the ICH discussed the artists "last performance", I guess when the show was over he turn out the lights with a guillotine. now that is a strong stage act!

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