> you might want to get the two diferent copies of REsearch
> magazine that have
> TG articles in them. they are both pretty good and fun to
> read. one is in
> the industral culture handbook which has articles on TG,
> Cabaret Volitare ,
> montie coazaza (sp. "guys a freak"), non (extra freaky), and
> a few others I
> forget, but anyways it is a cool book with weird pictures and biazare
> articles. the second one I have not read in full so I cant
> comment on it's
> worth but it is TG and william burrows. in my glance over the
> articles
> looked diferent them the handbook.
for those interested : http://www.vsearchmedia.com/books/ichprod.shtml

great pointer... I guess I'll get back to this thread after some reading !


> ps. I forget which person it was but one of the articles in the ICH
> discussed the artists "last performance", I guess when the
> show was over he
> turn out the lights with a guillotine. now that is a strong stage act!
maybe you're thinking about Alice Cooper ? :-)

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