At 10:26 AM 2/5/2002 -0600, atomly wrote:
> Speaking of Communique and Sounds does anyone know if Hyperactive is
> still around? I haven't been in the midwest for 5 years so I've sort
> of lost tracks of the goings on out there...

He lives in LA now and plays dub house stuff.

That is just weird... The last time I saw him was in Toledo in a basement of a strip mall playing with Dan Bell. I still listen to his old mixtapes - Vol. 5 - Acid Revival; Vol. 6 - Acid Indigestion and my personal favorite - Vol. 9.

He's played Chicago about once a month for the past few months and his sets have been really hit and miss (in that only some of them were acid)... Heh.

I personally play more dub house than acid myself these days but I never thought Hyperactive would do that... What is the world coming to?

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