... It's amongst the oldest problems in the world and certainly the oldest
problem in America. Let's leave it in the authoritarian unenlightened
mainstream  - after all, we're not like that here are we ;o) ... Let's try
and tackle our concerns here with imagination, insight and a quest toward
self-awareness - as analogues to what our music metaphorically is about.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alexandres Lugo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 9:49 PM
>To: Cyborg K
>Subject: RE: [313] Black techno artists]
>Thank you for an excellent post. A lot of people would like to gloss over
>the fact that racism still exists in America and yes, in the Detroit area.
>They would like to pretend it's all done and over with and has not had an
>effect on the creation of this music and that it does not matter what skin
>color is behind the music. I would like to think that most people on this
>list are above this BS of skin color, and that is what they are trying to
>express by saying "why does it matter?"
>The first poster was not trying to bring up a racist topic AT ALL! It's
>pretty sad that as soon as someone asks any questions on this list that
>include the words "black artists" you have all these people jumping on him
>and saying "it's not about that!!". It's not? Maybe not to you but to some
>people it may be.
>The same thing goes for the misquote of Juan Atkins the other day and the
>poster losing respect for him. That is the problem with the world today.
>Someone has a different view of things and because they do not agree with
>your world view you have "no respect" for him any more. Sad.
>Techno has been bastardized enough by drugs, raves, etc. and is now for the
>most part considered to the outside world that doesn't know any better as
>white music. Hence the frustration that Eddie was speaking of techno being
>ignored by black audiences. Granted, a lot of that is caused by the
>popularity of this thing they call rap and hip hop nowadays...pop music.
>All this to say: if someone on this is asking about black
>influences/artists, don't assume they are trying to start a thread about
>"Either they don't show, don't know, or don't give a fuck about
>the ghetto."
>Ice Cube
>From: Cyborg K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 1:16 PM
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]; 313@hyperreal.org
>Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists]
>"The outer space stuff has always been a fascination because life on earth
>has always been so hard for us being black.  Maybe outer space has
>no rules.
>  No one has gravity in space."
>  >from an interview posted on www.undergroundcommittee.com
>     Let me preface this post be saying that I haven't posted on this list
>in a long time, but I feel that this topic is too important to ignore.  It
>is impossible to analyze or understand cultural products without looking at
>their social context; now some of you may not want to understand, would
>prefer to be entertained without understanding, but I'm going to
>assume that
>if it is art then techno has potentials to raise consciousness and
>on a list
>dedicated to discussing DETROIT techno we have an obligation to try to
>understand rather than simply consume and enjoy.  First of all, it's
>impossible to understand any AMERICAN music, much less DETROIT techno,
>without looking at issues of racial injustice specifically the
>of whites and blacks.  WHY IS THIS?  Because the rhythms that are
>behind all
>of our popular musics are to a great degree African derived, that's what
>funk and soul is, it's the memory of these African rhythms passed down from
>generation to generation by a people who were taken from their homeland.
>Billy Hart, the great jazz drummer (in the 70's played with Pharoah Sanders
>and the Herbie Hancock sextet) has lectured about the African derivation of
>many of these rhythms, and has mentioned the possibility that these rhythms
>may even have specific characteristics, that they may have physical and
>spiritual aspects that act upon us when we hear them, an intriguing
>possibility.  The point is, these rhythms were brought over by African
>slaves, and although the white masters attempted to completely
>destroy their
>culture and humanity, these rhythms were preserved and passed down...  And
>then, in the 20th century, we find a new situation--slavery has ended, and
>again and again African-Americans are innovating and creating brilliant new
>styles of music, combining the sounds of their and environment and Western
>European influences with their own funky rhythms that they have preserved
>through all these years, rhythms rooted in African spiritual culture.  But
>what happens???  Their rhythms are constantly hijacked and glossed over,
>their innovations are taken from them, their names are erased, and
>white-washed cultural commodities are produced that the white masses can
>handle, commodities that no longer preserve the memory of an African
>spiritual heritage.
>     Blues, jazz, rock/pop, house, techno, it's been happening the whole
>20th century and now it looks like it's going to continue right on into the
>21st.  Meanwhile, in a city like Detroit you have a state of de fact
>segration, a city full of African-Americans who have been abondoned to live
>in a wasteland while the suburbs that surround them prosper, a place where
>white people from the suburbs are AFRAID to visit the city, a city full of
>black people.  Now there are a lot of aspects to the problems with Detroit
>that I can't get into, but how can you possibly understand "DETROIT TECHNO"
>without looking at Detroit which is a segragated city.  Not to mention the
>fact that in America there is usually only one type of black artist that is
>acceptable, and that is the one that smiles, jokes, makes a fool of himself
>and panders to a white audience...  I am a working musician (keyboards) and
>I SAW IT MYSELF, just last week, I was on the bandstand.  It made me sad,
>but I can tell that behind the scenes these brothers are certainly not
>smiling and dancing.  Even hip-hop and R&B, while perhaps coming on as more
>hardcore, seem to be producing a lot of music that can simply be enjoyed as
>a big spectacle, that stereotypes what "blackness" is, you can
>watch it from
>your home in the suburbs and say, "OH, so that's what the ghetto
>is like..."
>  As if the ghetto were now a spectacle for us all to enjoy rather than a
>disgrace that no civilized people should allow to occur.
>     At this point let me relate something personal, I am white and I grew
>up in a small town north of Lansing Michigan, and there were probably only
>two black families in town.  One day I was shocked to hear a classmate say,
>and I don't like to repeat this but I'm going to because people need to
>understand, "If I ever catch a nigger on my property I'm going to grab my
>shotgun and kill him..."  THAT is still the attitude of many white
>Americans.  And so when an African-American makes a techno record you can
>BET that everything they have experienced, including racial injustice, is
>going to go into that record.  Why would Kevin Saunderson make a track with
>a sample of MLK Jr saying "We find these truths to be
>self-evident, that all
>men are created equal...", why does Jay Denham have a track that
>goes "Black
>Power, it's time for Black Power", it's because these kind of conditions
>still exist and art is a potential means to raise awareness of
>them.  Racial
>problems only get worse when you ignore them.  And to forget historical
>injustice is to erase the victims from history and let the oppresors win.
>We should never forget slavery in America, we should never forget Auswitchz
>either (or Dresden and Hiroshima for that matter...)  Only by remembering
>can we hope to change the course of history so that these things don't
>happen over and over and over again.  Yes we should imagine utopian spaces,
>"maybe outer space has no rules", BUT we should never confuse these utopias
>with the world we live in, we have to fight to create these spaces and that
>takes active recognition of the many forms of injustice on this
>planet.  And
>that is why in the here and now we cannot afford to be color blind.
>"...The programmers taught them that all brothers that didnt have on silver
>shoes and didn't smile or laugh at bullshit jokes and small talk were
>probably criminals...  I am a very serious brother nothing that I
>do or have
>done with UR is funny or entertaining, I am not a clown and I will
>never tap
>dance on cue..."   from a message to the 313 list
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: "Super Coffee Beans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists]
>Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 18:50:08 +0200
>put emphasis on the music, and the person who make, by asking this racial
>questions u only make the racial problem. if u think about the persons who
>make the music as REAL live person and not as black or white but as human,
>things will be better. you might say i am just one little person and racial
>problem is a fact- well if u want a change do the change. and those try to
>demolish all this racial stuff from the discourse.
>i know what i am saying i am jewish.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phonopsia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <313@hyperreal.org>
>Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 6:23 PM
>Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists]
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "armin holzgethan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <313@hyperreal.org>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2002 7:51 AM
> > Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists]
> >
> > > i still don't get it.
> > >
> > > what are you aiming at? how & where should this recognition express
> > itself? on
> > > mtv, usa today? how many people know stephen king? and how many know
> > malcolm
> > > lowry?
> >
> > I'm aiming at recognition in the electronic music underground. How to
> > quantify recognition? Sure it's oblique... How about references in
> > of house (AV and textual) for one. Prolly a lame definition, but you get
> > what I'm on about.
> >
> > > all those you mention are more or less known to people into
>this music.
> > some
> > > will reach a certain status as "innovators", some will be forgotten.
> > will
> > > blow up by accident because the time is right and/or because they work
> > towards
> > > it. maybe this has sometimes to do with the quality and the aim of
> > work
> > > too? to blame it all on the circumstances seems to me as banal as the
> > opposite,
> > > which is to blame it all on the lack of marketing skills.
> >
> > I don't think that's the whole cup of tea. There's a mythos attached to
> > term "Chicago House DJ" that is not parallel to "Detroit House
>DJ" in the
> > mind of the average club-goer who is somewhat in-the-know. For instance,
> > "Chicago's Gene Farris" immediately has a credibility to the average
> > club-goer that "Detroit's Terrence Parker" does not. To see this in
> > look at a poster for Gene Farris' "Booked" CD.
> >
> > > tp has a relatively huge fanbase in germany because of his djing. all
> > his
> > > records i know of are mediocre. alan oldham's stuff lacks originality
> > time.
> > > just to be a detroiter and having started in 1988 is not enough.
> >
> > Yeah. TP has built a dedicated fan-base in Germany over the
>years, but he
> > relatively unknown and hasn't played in Washington DC in years
>(if ever).
> > This is a house music city and has been for over a decade. Ron Trent has
> > been here (but he's known here for his work living in New York)
>and Alton
> > Miller has played here once. At the same time, at least 10 Chicago house
> > have played here, not to mention endless DJs from New York
>(although they
> > have a geographical advantage to DJs form the midwest). In addition to
> > most "scenes" in the eastern U.S. "buy into" a New York version of the
> > history of house/garage. Statements like "everyone knows house came from
> > York" would not be uncommon, and generally reinforced through local
> > promotions/myths/regional email lists, etc. Not only is the Chicago
> > of house downplayed if recognized at all, the Detroit history
>of house is
> > completely absent. You could almost flip the coin and apply all of that
> > Chicago - but not to the same degree, and again Detroit is missing from
> > puzzle. History's are being written today, and it takes a history of
> > and techno *in Detroit* to recognize Detroit House, although the impact
> > Detroit house from the 80s was just as lasting as any other. Couldn't we
> > the Music Institute right near the Warehouse and the Paradise Garage in
> > terms of legendary clubs that defined and nurtured scenes? You can't try
> > tell me this is even 1/10th as recognizable as either of the former in
> > today's music histories.
> >
> > > self-esteem is not supposed to grow because of one's name in the paper
> > a
> > > certain number on one's bank statement, but because one feels that
> > is
> > > doing the right thing and maybe because one lifts the artform to new
> > heights.
> > > the name all over the paper and the big bucks in the bank are most of
> > time
> > > & and as long as this capitalist etc society stands a sign that one
> > submitted &
> > > adapted oneself successfully to the expectations of society. same as
> > marks
> > > at school. same as any institutional or mainstream
>recognition. in this
> > sense
> > > most of the time mainstream success can be used as a sign for
> >
> > What I was noting with my list was people who generally don't get the
> > acclaim as their peers from the '80s in Chicago and New York in the
> > histories of house - not specifically in terms of bank rolls. Detroit
> > is something that most people into house can't even recognize.
> >
> > Tristan
> > ----------
> > http://www.mp313.com <- Music
> > http://www.metrotechno.net <- DC techno + more
> > http://www.metatrackstudios.com <- DC DJ/Production studios
> > http://phonopsia.tripod.com <- Hub
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] <- email
> > <FrogboyMCI> <- AOL Instant Messenger
> >
> >
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