In a message dated 2/28/02 4:48:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< also i can't believe how rude people are on this list. this is only a
discussion on fade ins. there is no need for effing and blinding and
dissing other peoples ability just because they have an opinion that
differs to yours. >>

Surely you can't be talking about my post/reply which you quoted.  There was 
no " effing and blinding and  dissing other peoples ability",..    Perhaps 
you consider that your particular level of DJing  to be the max technical 
level for list discussions and any producer who requires more is "dissing" ?  
 I don't think so.    I just relayed a musical story which among other things 
shows how technical levels are raised through the ages - by composers asking 
for more ability.    

<< the below only correlates to fade ins in techno if the fade in on a techno
track takes techno (or the djing of that techno track) to a new level in
terms of the listening/dancing experience. i don't believe fade ins do this. 

It would seem to be a new level for you.    I recall a time when beat 
matching and the seamless mix were also  difficult to achieve. 

<< of course many of the people who've expressed an opinion that fade ins
ruin a lot of their favorite tracks easily have the technical ability to
work around it but that wasn't the original point. >>

Huh?? I'm missing something??? 
If favorite tracks have a fade in,  how does the fade "ruin a lot of favorite 
tracks"  if  they "have the technical ability to work around it"  ???  
The track  IS  what the track   IS    -  NOT -    what the DJ thinks it 
should be or wants it to be.  


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