On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, laura gavoor wrote:

> You don't hafta be a reactionary, but certainly DO NOT criticize those of us 
> who have undertaken a mission to break those chains and garner the success 
> that we all rightly deserve that HAS BEEN PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN to come 
> with no stress, no hassle, and even less intelligence or talent--to the 
> white man.

        It would be nice if label executives played racial politics just
because they're dirty rednecks bent on oppressing all non-whites.  Then, I
could sleep at night knowing that there are just some incredibly stupid
motherfuckers roaming the earth.
        But I don't sleep at night, because those greasy bastards are
smarter than that.  The don't marginalize non-white artists because they
hate them, they marginalize them because they're interested in nothing
more than fattening the bottom line.  
        There's no doubt in my mind that middle america, where the
majority of spending takes place, is scared shitless of a multi-ethnic
community.  Hence, the drooling public is much less likely to buy anything
coming from dark-skinned peoples.  This is the case in every audiovisual
medium.  In proportion to white people, non-white people are far
underrepresented in film, television, magazines, billboards, radio
programs, etc.
        Give scared white america a choice between Sasha and Juan and
they'll pick Sasha every time, despite the fact that he's sublimely
mediocre.  Record execs pander to that fear because they know it will sell
more records.  So, it's not really a white machine.  It's a fucking money
machine.  If non-whites and whites woke up the opposite color one day, I
gurantee you'd see the same shit in reverse.
        When it comes to executives of any type, it's never really been
about the race.  It's always been about the money.  Those people aren't
stupid rednecks.  They're deliberately evil.  Instead of educating
ignorant white america, they make billions playing it like piano.  That's
the shit that should really get you steamed.



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