On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Phonopsia wrote:

> > When it comes to executives of any type, it's never really been
> > about the race.  It's always been about the money.  Those people aren't
> > stupid rednecks.  They're deliberately evil.  Instead of educating
> > ignorant white america, they make billions playing it like piano.  That's
> > the shit that should really get you steamed.
> While money may be the easiest problem to shake your fist at, the marketing
> forces that determine the economics are guided by history - a history of
> bigotry and conservativism that refuses to acredit African-Amercians with
> anything outside of popular stereotypes.

        Exactly.  Those executives are letting racism, sexism, and poor
taste drive the machine.  They certainly have the resources to promote a
positive/inclusive/experimental agenda, yet they don't.  They don't care
_who_ they're discriminating against, so long as that discriminatory
marketing continues to shovel in the profits.  


BTW: In no way am I excusing the ignorant hoardes who perpetuate such
ignorance.  I'm just saying that those who have a platform to make a
difference are doubly guilty if they refuse to use it.  _Especially_ if
they refuse for the sake of money.


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