DJ QBurns was downright ecstatic while hanging about after one of his gigs,
Claude Young came down from the decks and hugged a bunch of us... I don't
think it's a question of bad vs. good DJ, it's more likely a question of
bad vs. good day/mood. Sometimes bad moods make you play better but you
still might not want to hang about because you're still pissed off. Sure,
some people have dispositions that might rub the majority of the public the
wrong way but if you know this then why expect different. There are so many
factors that may make up a particular performers mood before, during and
after a gig - have they been paid yet, how was the flight/drive, have they
eaten in the last 8 hours, how much sleep have they gotten, do they have a
lift back to the airport, did they have one to the gig? The list goes on
and on - so next time a DJ/musician is in a pissy mood think about these
things and then you might not take it so personally when they brush you off
or don't smile at you or tell you to f*ck off. Not like it's an excuse -
but it could go far to explain some actions.


                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:     
                      .com>                    cc:                              
                                               Subject:  [313] Re:[313] who are 
the good guys was Moody DJs - Dave Clarke/Surgeon      
                      04/19/02 03:28 PM                                         

Original Message
From: "Mark S. Krüx"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

&gt;He might appear to be emotionless on the outside but say hey to him or
&gt;him a question and I'm sure you'll get a friendly response...something
&gt;obviously can't be said of certain other jocks.

i live in adelaide so i might get a chance in another year or two... the
promoter lost out big
last time... typical of my city...

but enuff whinging... who do people think are the good guys??? I'd found
the space dj'z &
ben sims to be pretty friendly... i generally find internationals disappear
as soon as they
finish playing, but these guys have hung about and chatted... thoughts???


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