"Grammenos, Peter" wrote:

> That is a blatant rip off, period! Tracks feel the same, sound the same, and
> probably use the use the same production techniques ! [ one can never be
> certain ]. How lame, especially for a producer like wink who has been in the
> business for this long. But then again, he isn't the first producer to do
> this...

you know, i didn't see the similarity between the other bell mp3 that was posted
a couple of weeks ago, but thought i would give him the benefit of the doubt
until i heard this current that was posted on forcefield.   having checked now
it out, i think it's fairly evident that the tracks have different drum sounds
and programming, different main monosynth lines, and really different-sounding
vocal samples/effects treatments of "freak" (in all honesty, i think wink does a
lot more with the latter than bell).  sure it sounds and feels "like" bell (and
also like robert hood-- especially the monosynth line), but a *lot* of techno
tracks sound and feel "like" other techno tracks.   if wink owes bell anything
over this then samuel l. sessions and every second hard techno producer after
about 1998 or so should be making monthly payments to jeff mills, the deepchord
guys should have already sold their firstborns to the hardwax crew, and every
halfwit who ever lays hand on a tb-303 with the intent of making squelchy noises
should write a cheque to dj pierre & spanky, etc. etc. etc.  the argument here
seems to me to stem more from a dislike for wink and his previous trashy rave
anthems more than it does from any real musical analysis.


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