I remember about a year (or more?) ago, someone posted
something about Ozzy's kid being a dj and costing $10K
plus to book?!?.... and he plays trance or something?
Sound familiar to anyone?

If so, please tell me it's not that little pant-load
Jack who is on the show.  I'm assuming it's Ozzy's
other son from another marriage or something.... looks
like he is in his late 20s....

yup. its jack. he's the one. 90% of the time he's on a flyer he's billed as ,"ozzy ozbourne's son," rather than on his own merits.

and he doesn't spin trance. He spins that new kind of music that's all the new craze called tech-house *cough* *barf* really trance *barf* *cough*

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