On 5/28/02 1:21 PM, "Hodgson I, S. R. (Sean)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here are a few of the sets that stood out to me.

I'll have to give props to Deepchord here.  While the music remained fairly
static (dubby and hypnotic at times) the visuals were probably the most
inventive I've seen at a DEMF performance.

The setup was two men on electronics, with a live 5-string Bass guitar and
live Drummer.  The live musicians we're there ostensibly to add visual
interest, and because there's nothing quite like a live rim-shot.  Like
other stages, the lighting this year was dramatically improved.  Deepchord
ran their own visual art-piece with morphing abstracted city scenes.  In the
lower right corner of the video was a running timecode that started the
moment their set began.  I think it was Kent or Greg who suggested that this
was a unique way to make a point of how Deepchord's music can play with your
sense of time.

Other favorites--Jay Langa with a "welcome to Detroit" set of UR classics
Early on Saturday.  I also really enjoyed the first 20 mins of Juan's set, a
shuffle through all the electro classix, leading up to Model 600 "Update".
At that point he moved into 4-on-the-floor territory, and <irony> the crowd
finally started to move </irony>.

Upset that I missed Huckaby.  Anyone?

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