"increases in technology have led to globalization which has led to dramatic
increases in inequity in these countries" ....

hmmmm. maybe because instead of the entire country being poor, globalization
has allowed a technological elite to emerge into standards of living on par
with the middle classes of a "first world" country? is nationwide poverty
somehow better than ecomomic "inequality"? try telling that to telecommuting
IT workers in india.

it's true globalization has had negative effects on the poorest households
in developed nations, but it's also had a positive effect on the rising
middle classes of developing nations. globalization isn't a bad thing, and
it isn't something that can be "stopped," no matter what activists in
Seattle may wish. It simply IS - the dominant economic system governing the
entire post-Cold War world.

the very music we cherish is sustained by botique/niche capitalism. the
technology which allows it to exist is the province of global conglomerates.
it was inspired, in part, by the assembly line itself. just because the
music is underground doesn't mean it's Marxist. the very idea that you could
love techno music and not implicitly embrace or at least reconcile yourself
with capitalism is, itself, a product of capitalist consumer lifestyle
choice. it's like feminists complaining about the "capitalist patriarchy,"
when industrial capitalism is what allowed this unprecedented era of gender
equity to exist in the first place.

take UR as an example. they exist to "fight the programmers" through sonic
revolution. but they're actually a business proposition. their music and
iconography may explicitly and implicitly critique the homogenizing extremes
of global capitalism, but it couldn't exist without that capitalism. to me,
theirs is the real path toward keeping culture vibrant and alive in the face
of the dominant system of globalization: acceptance of the system and the
development of alternative marketplaces. not whinging about "globalization"
as if it were something that could be stopped if only we got enough people
to sign petitions.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 7:15 AM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: [313] submerge.panel

yeah this is a little late but.....

i was at the submerge panel saturday morning of demf....it had a very "pro
technology" flavor to it...imo that is rather problematic since technology
has played a _large_ part in the rising levels of inequality both in the
united states (the income of the poorest 20 percent of households has fallen
in real terms by about 15 percent in the last 25 years) as well as in
developing countries (increases in technology have led to globalization
which has led to dramatic increases in inequity in these countries)..i
understand that the panelists were not there to speak on such things but all
of us have a responsiblity to understand our place in the world

back to the music


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