R3dshift wrote:

>for the music he makes, Jeff Mills sure makes himself sound like he does
>something intellectual or complex.
>there is a lot of much much better music out there, why does everyone
>worship the guy who tries to make 4/4 techno sound like physics?

Perhaps because a large part of it *is* physics?
Not to get too much into the Jeff Mills debate itself, but I think Mills (perhaps more than a lot of other artists) realizes how intertwined music and physics are: after all, sound is a wave that obeys the laws of physics and similarly, the process of cutting a vinyl release and playing it back is heavily influenced by the physics governing it. Knowing a little bit of the physics behind music and vinyl can only improve how well you're able to translate what's in your head into a real track and a piece of vinyl.

Some examples of how the physics affect the music: the closer you get to the centre of a record, the more high end you will lose in the sound; the shorter a track, the more space you have on the record to accommodate the sidewards movement of the groove and the louder it can be cut; sawtooth(-like) waves or spikes in the sound cannot be cut properly on vinyl, they only work well on CD; etc. etc.

More detailed info:
and I'm sure there's plenty of sound experts on the list who can chime in on this.

Otto, who had a crash course in sound/vinyl-physics during a three hour-dicussion with a cutting engineer last week :)

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