I really enjoyed Carl Craig last friday at Plastic People, he played a nice
set. Juan Atkins on sunday was amazing. The line-up was really good. The
livesets from Portable (Background), Any Vaz and Jan Jelinek where amazing!
Jan Jelinek had everybody dancing in the small backroom. Juan played a
fantastic set. I danced all the way through his set. Played some new tracks
and the old ones to. Only a bit sad to see that only about 300 people showed
up. Fortunatly these people whre really into the music that night. 


> According to reports, Carl Craig was pretty spectacular at 
> Plastic People on
> Friday, and Atkins did the business @ Signal. I thought Mills 
> was excellent,
> although I will admit that it wasn't the craziness of yore 
> that I think most
> of the Lost regulars still yearn for from him.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Odeluga, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org <313@hyperreal.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:52 AM
> Subject: [313] Lost Weekend
> > Last weekend here in London was very 313, with Atkins, 
> Mills, Craig and
> > maybe a couple of others to be seen over the holiday (inc. 
> Monday) ....
> Now
> > that we've all probably recovered ;o) how did folk find the various
> nights?
> >
> > I went to *** LOST *** which featured Colin Dale, Fumiya 
> Tanaka, Mills,
> > Steve Bicknell, Du-Kru et al. Missed Du Kru which was a 
> disappointment as
> I
> > wanted to see what the reax was from the main room. Any 
> thoughts anyone?
> >
> > Tanaka was awkward - He appeared to ocassionally try mixing 
> *deliberately*
> > off the beat (or am I being too charitable?!?)
> >
> > Colin Dale (imho): supberb performance. Recently he's been 
> veering more
> > towards a house vein than techno, but there were a number 
> of classics. A
> > H-Foundation track early in the set nearly blew the roof 
> off, (sorry track
> > names not my forte but I know it was H-Fdn.) Dale is old 
> school and it
> shows
> > in the long mixes and precision, but he kept my attention 
> for at least 2+
> > hours .... hope it's my perception and that he's not really 
> slowly playing
> > out less and less ....
> >
> > Mills was Mills and in very good form - 'Sweet Smell Of 
> Fear' appeared,
> > which was nice, as was 'I Feel Love' on a massive system 
> ... However, I
> > sense a boredom creeping in on Mills. A few regular faces 
> were missing,
> plus
> > already some are saying they'll give the next Lost at 28.9 
> (with Mills
> too)
> > a miss. Plus Mills is also on on 21.9 in London.
> >
> > Opinions please!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > K
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
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