what's fair ??- I'll hazard a guess and say the majority of records listened
to by people on this list did not do too much more than break even for the
people who originally put them out.....if break even at all.

sometimes i wonder about the long term effects of people swapping music for
free. lots of people who think of themselves as underground music anarchists
try and justify the whole thing to themselves by saying its only britney
spears and the five majors that suffer. that's bulls***t. they're as much a
businessman as any other muther that claims to be a stakeholder

i can hop an an broadband computer now... gimme a day or two and i can come
up with a pretty impressive motherload to use with Final Scratch without
paying a cent to the people that put those recordings out there.

doesn't quite seem right

> Maybe some of the electronic music artists will wise up and start selling
> mp3s?  Or better yet, offer truncated tracks for free, and sell the full
> version for a minimal, yet fair price.
> -m
>> Now instead of copying cds... we will be able to copy vinyl.  I thought
>> that at least the producers of dance music who only pressed vinyl were
>> safe.  Now all someone has to do is go buy a track and post it on
>> kazaa... 
>> That scares me somehow.... Hopefully the users of final scratch will
>> actually be PAYING for the music they mix and not ripping it off kazaa.
>> just a thought 
>> †‡Çöüñ†ërpöïñT‡†
>> †‡ÇöüñtërpöïñT‡†
>> http://stage.vitaminic.com/main/counterpoint/all_tracks/
>> †‡ÇöüñtërpöïñT‡†
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