Sure maybe it's flame bait, but at least it's honest flame bait.

I've had this in me for about two months now.

Do you ever wonder why a laptop show is boring?  I know many of you do
because I've seen the posts to prove it.

I know why a laptop show is boring.

It's because the f**king music the artist is playing is boring.

That's right.  It doesn't matter how intelligent you think you are or
how intelligent you think the artist is, or what they are trying to
"achieve" with their boringness, the fact is that their music sucks.

It's true, otherwise nobody would be complaining that it's boring.

It's like the story "The Emperor's New Clothes."  All it takes is one
little girl to say "it's boring" and everyone knows the truth.

Sure some people will try to delude themselves because their whole
personal identity is wrapped up in thinking that because they like
boring music they are somehow special.  Ignore them.

Why do I know this?  Why do I speak with such god-given authority?

Because two months ago I was outside in Cologne at a party on the beach
(kinda) and The Modernist was playing.  And do you know what?  He was
the most boring d*nm performer I have ever seen.  He just stood there
the entire time in front of his laptop doing something, maybe looking at
porn (I know that's what *I* would be doing) for all I know.  How boring
can that be!?!?!?!  But holy heaven/hell damn me if it wasn't the most
energetic and amazing set of music I (and a thousand or so others) have
heard in ages.... dance dance dance rock rock rock pumpin'.....

So if The Modernist just sits around and is boring and other laptop
artists sit around and are boring, yet nobody complains about The
Modernist then the logical conclusion is that all the people that I am
too stupid to understand properly are boring.



Twelve Hundred Group

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