How about mixing Robert Miles with Aril Brikha?

on 12/12/02 3:50 PM, fabrice Lig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Completely agree with you Aril...Q1.01, Hood tracks,Vapour space (I like to
> finish a set with that or Innercity goodlife/Big fun...), Red Planet stuff,
> its really close to trance border, or completely trance, finaly whats the
> difference, its good tracks and thats the most important...finaly there is
> only tracks we like and other we dislike, depend of our sensibility, our
> taste. If a cheesy trancy tracks or Pure hard Rock track can give some good
> emotions to someone, its good too...I spoke to an Hard Rock fan this year
> and before he told me that I've never imagine we could have emotions on this
> kind of music, of course its different that what we feel on techno music but
> it gives some pleasure to some other people and finaly its the magic of
> music, everyone has a different taste but everyone can find is way...Just
> look how big is the country music in U.S ;-)
> Also, I noticed in another message that we said that 313 is the only place
> where we can find good producers...oh fortunately not...there is lots of
> other place to find some, there is sooo much....
> And finaly... As we know how much is difficult today to find a good
> distributor for techno vinyls...who will have the good idea to create a 313
> distribution ;-)....

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