One other thing, when I solicited contributions earlier I also meant that I'd like to receive input on how such an event should be run (e.g. time, day of the week, amount of soft furnishings etc) As far as ethos goes, I think Brendan summed it up quite nicely with:

"....I miss those days when people would just lie around and listen to whatever pieces of sparkly electronic music you felt like playing for them..."



1. Why can't you hear this kind of thing played out in clubs? Two obvious answers I suppose, firstly - you can but I've missed it, secondly - because clubs want people to dance and buy beer rather than fall asleep. What happened to all the backrooms? I used to have some wicked sleeps in them.

2. Would anyone in London/UK be intersted in coming/contributing to an event based on this kind of music if I organised it, in a warehouse rather than a club? (Possibly Sunday mornings?)

This is actually a long time bugbear of mine since despite my various playing out guises, 'sleepy' music is my true DJing love + a lot of the material has strong influences/been influenced/includes 313 stuff.

Any views?


P.S. I'm not talking about the big chill here, though respect is due.

my picks from Dreamland:

Harold Budd "The White Arcades"
TUU "All Our Ancestors"
Loop Guru "The Third Chamber"
Global Communication "Pentamerous Metamorphosis"



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