i think the operative word in that quote is "chuckles".  the whole thing is

----- Original Message -----
To: "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: (313) more demf stuff...

> Wow - look at this from the article
>    As the party moves to the Roostertail for a night of thumping techno,
the mayor's crew chuckles about Marvin's
>    attempt to keep the festival. Kilpatrick's chief administrative
officer, Derrick Miller, says Hearns, though a
>    great guy, suggested the DEMF needs some classic R&B acts.
> Classic R&B acts? I know this festival is suppose to be about the music of
> Detroit but if you're going to open it up to classic R&B then why not have
> some rock & roll like The Dirtbombs and White Stripes fer chris'sake. Why
> we're at it let's add some big band jazz, country music, blues, and
> classical music.
>                       "Jongsma, K.J."
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       313@hyperreal.org
>                       o.nl>                    cc:
>                                                Subject:  RE: (313) more
demf stuff...
>                       01/28/03 06:27 AM
> > All this stuff from Carol Marvin really boils down to a demand to pay
> > her off so she'll go away.  The Hearns thing is particularly
> > cynical.
> > It's all about lawyers from now on, so if I were Derrick May and Carl
> > Craig I'd say, "see you in court -- if you dare."
> >
> > And if the new festival can't use the DEMF name, I'm sure another
> > can be found, and maybe not such a bad idea anyway since it would
> > allow rebuilding the "brand" in a direction more true to the real
> > meaning and history of electronic music in Detroit.
> Metrotimes also has an article about this:
> http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=4518
> A spokesman of Kilpatrick says:
> "If necessary, Dickens says, the name will change to the Detroit
> International Electronic Music Festival, or some such variation."
> and the DEMF is just a name indeed. I wondered how we would think of this
> if
> PCM got the festival and Derrick May said he was doing a 3 day party to
> because he thinks he must do the festival.......... just a thought
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