This I too don't agree with but xx xx is entitled to an opinion.
I have known Richard for years and years and he is highly capable, works
extremely hard, and is experienced with event management. I think everyone
should have more faith.
Anyway, with all respect, what the hell has a boxer got to do with techno?

>     I notice that in recent weeks list-member 'xx xx' has been putting down
> & co.
> a lot, accusing them of not being able to run 'simple infrastructures' such
> as record labels
> and saying that they are incompetent of running the DEMF 2003. No problem
> with
> him/her saying this, it's a public forum where people are entitled to their
> own opinions.
> If they do air them on 313 then I feel they should also validate them (which
> he/she doesn't)
> and not hide behind some anonymous moniker. On the other hand it's possible
> that
> he/she was born 'xx xx' or then again maybe YOU ARE CAROL MARVIN IN DISGUISE
> ??
> Anyhow on a more serious note, I reckon we should all get behind Derrick May
> & co,
> a lot of pressure is on them to get this thing on within the next 5 months
> and they are going
> to need all the support they can get. A DEMF organised by the 'originators'
> is certainly more
> enticing than Marvin's poorly executed McDEMF-fest.
> Chris.

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