Otto>That may be so, but releasing full-priced one-sided, 4-minute-long EPs
EPs with the same track on both side *is* taking the piss as well.

True, very true. He leaves himself wide open to it in my opinion.
Also the fact this his 12's cost more than anyone elses is a bit of a piss

Maybe this is the reason they've chosen to bootleg him, instead of say,
some retroactive stuff or something.
But - that's his choice, and we still buy the records. People can choose
not to buy them if they don't like it.

However, where does it go from here?
If they get away with this, then everyone may as well start bootlegging
anything that goes on ebay for more than $75.

The other really curious thing that bugs me is, unless they are doing a
considerable amount (5000?), there isn't that much money in it, so why
bother upsetting anyone, or run the risk of getting caught? and if they are
doing 5000 odd, if I was Kenny Dixon I'd be buying a plane ticket
personally and getting over here to knock some heads together for sure.


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