> >So why would you want to bootleg this?
> Well, I'm not too sure really. Was really interested to hear what other
> people thought about it. That's my point, I don't get it. Surely they must
> be doing it for financial purposes, which, in my opinion, in this small
> industry, is bang out of order really? (maybe, dunno what I think really,
> just up for a discussion on this slow afternoon).

i guess the question then is how much would you make on, say,  2000
bootlegged copies of this type?

from my point of view i think it's wrong.

the other point of view is that someone who charges more, does one siders
and does limited runs to pump the demand is in it for the money to a certain
extent and asks for this to happen (for the sake of discussion...obviously
the answer to this is that kenny makes the money here cos he's the artist...)

hmmm this is a can of worms isn't it?


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