---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Cobert, Gwendal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>this album is totally worth the hunt, like a lot of people I
think this is one of he most beautiful reggae albums ever recorded...

its one of the 10 best albums ever recorded in any style, IMO. its
absolutely flawless, i could listen to it over and over again for
days straight without getting bored. 

>the way I see it, "Fisherman" is the highlight of the record.

really? congoman was always my favorite, that bassline is too
funky. and previous to carl craig getting involved, i had planned
on sampling the congos at the beginning of the track, but now
everybody will know where they came from. my second favorite track
on the album is the sodom and ghemorrah track. its way too great
of an album to really pick out specific good songs, theyre all




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