BK> I would be happy to hear any recommendations from others on the list of
BK> online record stores that have an accurate stock list!  A good 
BK> selection is a nice bonus, but I value an up-to-date stock list most.

http://www.planetxusa.com is decent.  There's an indicator next to
each record showing how likely it is to be in stock, and Real Audio
samples of just about everything.  The site works best in IE (certain
things go flaky in Phoenix/Mozilla).  My only complaint about them is
that they don't seem as personalized as they were a couple years ago.
They used to surprise me with random promo records, posters, t-shirts
and the like (much as Submerge is known to do), but ever since they
went Internet-only there's been less and less of that.

I mean, yeah, it's not like I can complain about not getting free
swag, but it's definitely one of the things that will keep me going
back for more.

Brian "balistic" Prince
http://www.bprince.com - art and techno
Strokes of Defiance EP . . . soon.

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