it was my impression from some people i talked to that groovetech was started by 2 seattle guys who got buku bucks from some english folk and started selling records and doing webcasts.. frankly im happy to see a dance website out there making cash but i guess its not the case for everyone


On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 12:15  AM, Alex Bates wrote:

groovetech never have anything in stock anyway.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 6:32 PM
To: ''
Subject: (313) Clone against

Send into this cyberworld by

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

For everyone in and around the music business (Distributors,
Artists, Dj's
, Press , Music lovers and Buyers)... please read this
message carefully!!
(and sorry if you get this twice!)

An important message about !

For everyone who supports independant labels and artists...
(the source where all good music comes from in the first matter
wich sound or music style it is)

We feel that we have to advice people not to deal with
Groovetech if you
don't want to help and destroy the independant music industry.

In our opinion this is a company who steels money from small
labels  in order to build their own imperium (with our money!)
Our advice : Don't cooperate with them in any way... you
don't need them!

Groove Tech owes us money for invoices wich should have been
payed months
and months ago!!  We gave them more then reasonable opportunity to pay
us... but they don't do anything in order to handle this in a
good way!
They are lying and just being arrogant and they ignore
reminders, phone
calls, emails etc. This is about amounts of money they can
pay without big
problems... but small independant companies are no high
priority for them
and they know that there is not much these small companies
can do against
this sort of thievery by a company the size of Groovetech.

e believe there are enough other online retailers or radio
stations where
you can get what you need without harming others...

note : We are not trying to damage anyone.. but we want
people to know how
Groovetech (the so called #1 online retailer) works.

We can not accept the way they treat us. They are damaging us!!
Its just a matter of principles and good manners!

Offcourse we are no judge and we don't want to judge them...
we just tell
our experiences and give you an advice based on these experiences.

Thanks for your attention and sorry if this is spam to you.
next mail out will be about music again!



TT-news mailing list


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