"Alex Bates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i dont know why you think bootlegging is stealing someones creation,
> are not exactly putting their own name on it and bootlegging is not a
> business to be in if you actually want to make money
> what about ppl selling tunes for $100 on ebay? is that stealing from
> artist? theres $95 that could go to the artist!

As far as I'm concerned, if I buy (note, not license) a record/cd/dvd
etc. for $x, then I own one copy of that item (irrespective of the
media). That item is mine, and I will do with it what I choose,
including selling it for a profit, or perhaps turn it into a giant
drink coaster :)

If I license the same item from a company or individual (for, I would
expect, much less than $x) then I waive that right, and am bound by a
contractual agreement which most likely limits my rights in terms of
reproducing or selling the item.

Bootlegging, "To produce, distribute, or sell without permission or
illegally", is stealing. You are producing extra copies of an item that
you do not have permission to reproduce. I don't see any comparison
between bootlegging and selling (a non-bootlegged) item for profit on


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