> People subscribing to the 313 list know their conveniently
> getting informed about what is being released from all the 
> artist and labels. 

not necessarily, there is good new stuff coming out EVERY DAY that doesn't get 
mentioned on the 313 list. 313 is a mere window to  a sub-set of information, 
not some divine fountain or ultimate source of it. Maybe you have unrealistic 
expectations... no one source will ever give you an objective picture of what 
it reports on anyway.  

> But perhaps this is too much of a task 
> to expect from one person although there are people 
> here who seem to be obsessed with 313 music so they would 
> be ideal candidates.

Why not you?  Can you be a candidate?  I think you assume that one person runs 
the content of 313.  It's collective.  The list content is only as weak or as 
strong as you and all other collective contributors make it.  So vote with your 
keyboard and if you want to read more reviews of new 313 labels, start writing 
them yourself...  listen to samples online, share your thoughts... instead of 
waiting for "someone" to provide you with what you subscribed for.  I hope you 
can see my point here, if not I'm sorry I just can't help yaw...  

I also second whoever said that "if a record is just average or bad I don't 
write a review of it".  This is a personal choice but I happen to agree. Why 
waste your time or keystrokes giving something a "C" when there are so many "A" 
releases and labels worth getting excited and writing about?    

Matt MacQueen

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