I remember going to shoot a party for my video production class a bit over a 
year ago. I stuck around till about 5 am and was able to get a short interview 
with the guy. He is an old schooler, been around since the late 70's in what 
he called the "circa" (the party scene).

Hes one of my favorite DJs to see, flawless mixing and die hard 
experimentation. I remember him droping Nirvana in a set so well that all 
anyone could do was stand around and smile! Blew me away. What an ear bender! 
Hes full of good stories, and a very friendly man. He wouldn't let anyone go 
until he shook your hand and thanked you for coming.

Respect to traxx. If you go to one of his sets, be prepaired for anything. Be 
sure to see him If he ever swings by your neck of the woods.

Peace 313

>===== Original Message From "Rev. Jeffrey Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi,
>> since I have never heard of Traxx before, can someone tell me something
>> more about him? Where is he from, what type of music does he make etc.?
>traxx is from chicago, iirc.  i've seen him play three or four times, and
>every time his sets have been both very fascinating and extremely
>dancable.  i know he's got at least one (likely multiple) release(s) out
>on gigolo... i'm sure he's released other stuff but i'm not that familiar
>with his production.
>he's easily one of the most talented djs i've ever seen, and i'd go out of
>my way to catch him again if the opportunity presented itself.
> Rev. Jeffrey Paul    -datavibe-     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   aim:x736e65616b   pgp:0x15FA257E   phone:8777483467
>    70E0 B896 D5F3 8BF4 4BEE 2CCF EF2F BA28 15FA 257E

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