At 01:04 AM 5/27/2003, Fred Heutte wrote:
It's all over now except for the shouting :)

The good news is, it was a great festival.  The bad news is -- hmm,
I can't really think of anything.

Agreed on all points - with a few more added. Loved hearing Aril & Tony (and co.) jazz up the live Groove La Chord. Akufen was hot; luckily he started early and Francois K. started late - quite a dilemma, bouncing between the latter two the The Three Chairs! Mike Dykehouse is hilarious and incredibly talented. Clark, Carlos and Mike Geiger all opened the fest with beautiful and well placed sets. Magda - wow. The Detroit Experiment was hot - but it was SO crowded over there for it. And everything Fred said was spot-on. I wish I could have seen the Thinkbox wife and I had to skip out for a few hours to a previous comittment. As I sit here and peck this out, more and more comes back to me. It was just a bang up weekend. A good chunk of what made it so cool was meeting so many people I don't see often and putting faces on so many which I usually know from email text. I continue to be astounded that this is a free event and one which I can get to...most of the things I want to see are way past my bedtime (including the afterparties :-( . This makes up for what I normally miss. It's such a beautiful thing to take all of this in under the Detroit skyline. Surreal.


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