Back in Cleveland for a day of recovery before the final leg of my journey back 
home to Brooklyn. Had a really great weekend in Detroit at the festival and the 
afterparties. I'll probably need a day before I can write or comment on things 
from my point of view but overall I think everyone enjoyed it. Thanks to a lot 
of really cool people I met for the first time this weekend.... Dennis and 
Magda, you both are great. The list meet up at your house on friday was fun and 
a good way for me to put faces with names. You were excellent hosts and very 
generous. To all the other list members I met....Rob Theakston, Tristan, Bill 
Van Loo, Matt McQueen, TechnoToutrist Clan, Diana Potts, Ani, Plaslaiko...many 
more, it was great chatting with all of you. 
I'll have a photo gallery up on in a few days....after a bit more 


ps five fest for me:

Detroit Experiment

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