> > Tres Demented (Carl Craig).
> > But obviously I seem to be one of the first Carl Craig addicts that
> > have
> > this record now.
> > Believe me, this is one of the hottest records of the year!
> > Definitely! It
> > will blow away all the dancefloors on earth for the rest of the year.
> > I don't post a complete detailed review because I don't need to. There
> > are
> > only 5 words I have to use:
> Hmm sorry but i bought it on sight and after listening i thought it was
> a bit of a waste of money, It is basically a drum track and more made
> for the DJ's apparently, not really worth for listening at home.

yeah i didn't pick it up when i heard it as the main tarck seemd a little
'noisey' for me and the drum tracks seems a little too minimal....i was
saying this to friends tho that it's probably one of those tracks that you
turn down then hear it in the right environment (big PA) and it'll blow
you away...

based on that it's in the post to me now :)

> why did i not but that new Pepe Braddock record, now that is a
> seriously good record!

seconded! the bass on that track (intrusion) does wierd things to your
solar plexus at the right volume! :)

a must buy


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