I think both dj's who only play techno and dj's who mix it are  both valid 

Its just a style thing and this is some dj's style and they are good at it and 
can get away with it while some dj's i would prefer to hear play techno all 
night because this is what they play best.

Neither is wrong, and really i can enjoy both just depending on what i feel 
like. I think the important thing is going to see a DJ's interpretation of the 
music and as long as its done tastefully and i'm in the mood for it then fine 
by me.

Also techno doesn't haven't to be all 4/4 tyranny, there does exist techno 
without 4/4 beats.

One more spanner in the works here-maybe peoples interpretation of dance music 
and or techno can differ  from their exposure depending on their age and 
locality so its going to be impossible to come to a general consensus.

Its all good if its good.


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