----- Original Message ----- 
From: "robin pinning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: (313) set times (was Vestax or Technics)

> > I've been thinking about this quite alot lately as I'm ramping
> > up to start my regular Saturday night gig and hopefully nurture a
> > following. So, what's up in your neck of the woods - how many places
> > the standard guard that you can rely on without the extra "guest DJ?
> > night they present?

I find that most residencies here are on non-Friday, non-Saturday nights or
smaller clubs. On the weekends people go out for names mostly, and I think
it's getting harder to maintain a week-in, week-out following in a really
active scene. I don't think this is necessarilly a bad thing, as what you
lose in consistency you gain in diversity. People are too well informed now
to do the same thing every week, and information is easy to come by, what
with the inter-net and all.

I think a lot of this is regionalized though. Most of the weekend club
nights in DC had residents when I lived there.

Text/Mixes/Pics: http://www.phonopsia.co.uk
Music: http://www.mp313.com

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