Dear Cyclone,

>> You should have seen him at the Movement afterparty, that was great. You
just had to see who was dancing to appreciate that. Everyone has good and
bad gigs.
Sometimes I see my favourite DJs in Sydney and they're never as good as
Melbourne and it's made me realise the effect locale can have.
I hope hugging people doesn't mean you do or don't validate their music
otherwise we're all going to have to retract a lifetime of hugs to lovely
people who have terrible records at home. ;) <<

ok, but you just have to understand I was expecting more, hearing a lot of
tapes from his early days. Also his mixes from around ´96 - ´97 I really
like, so I was just wondering why the change in style? You say that
everybody has good and bad gigs, but I think it´s not like he had a bad day
and is messing up his mixing, he actually brought a whole crate with
loop-techno. I wouldn´t say it is a matter of having a good day or not, it
is more a matter of style.

And my comment about the hug was a bit stupid, I know. But it was symbolic
for the kind of music he would play that night.

Have a good day!

my musical interests

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