Nah, not here to troll or to 313 hero worship.
I will say from reading J.T.'s reviews when it comes to newer music the
'tres demented (planet e)' sounds decent.
The last thing I bought on Planet E was The Climax.
I'm not into house like JT Donaldson, 3 Chairs, Moodyman, Russ Gabriel,

on 7/29/03 7:15 PM, Phonopsia at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> on 7/29/03 7:44 AM, robin pinning at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> see steve, now i know for certain you're trolling.
> I've come to the conclusion that spw is Luke Monteiro in disguise,
> revisiting the scene of the crime.
> Tristan
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