try this:

(and this,, is also interesting,
but not really for the same reason)

of course none of this has anything to do with music, that's just the


> db wrote:
> > Why does an LP(album) cost $10 and the same CD (album) costs $15, when
> > it is cheaper for the CD to be made then the
> > record.
> I'm really interested to know how the money from the sale of a CD is
> broken up?
> Does anyone know, or can someone make an educated guess?
> My problem with CDs is exactly the point above, why are they so
> expensive then they cost well under $1 to make??
> Personally I like to buy CDs when I can, recently I bought a king tubby
> CD for 3! I only pay full price for a CD if it's a small label which I
> don't mind supporting.
> But should anyone downloading RIAA music (which I don't) feel guilty
> when most of the lost money is going to middle men and fat cats?
> Perhaps rather than trying to catch people downloading they should
> re-asses how much money people in the music industry are making, which
> might include artists too?
> sorry for OT but it really p*ss*s me off when I hear the RIAA
> complaining about how much money they're losing >:-|

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