Joe/r3dshift opined:
> I hope you're all faring well, and that you can find some peace despite the
> glaring technology void left by the power outage.  I'm really sad that the
> best event in the last couple months just happened to fall on the night of
> the worst outage in history.

"Worst outage in history"?  Ah, someone that didn't live through the
Great Blackout of November 1965, I see  :-)

(30,000,000+ people lost power that time.)

Jamie Hurlbut dropped some science:
> Really it has to do with the deregulation of the energy industry that went 
> on in this country around 1998.  The US, with its faith in the market, 
> decided it would be good to treat essential human services as commodities 
> to be bought and sold for profit, making the electricity system as volatile 
> as the stock market. In fact the energy wholesalers (people like Enron and 
> Global Crossing, you know those companies that stole billions from 
> taxpayers and employees and got a slap on the wrist?) are at an incentive 
> to keep the system dangerously low in reserves, because they are paid more 
> for providing reserve energy (that is energy below 18% of the capacity of 
> the system) than they are for providing energy above the 18% checkmark.
> This means that after 1998 the local energy market in NY state was 
> providing only around 10% of the capacity of the system, the rest was 
> distributed from out of state investors or wholesalers, most of it from 
> Canada who makes a lot of income by providing power to the US.  This is what 
> happened here in California a year and a half ago when Enron was busy 
> shuttling power in and out of California getting paid for the energy each 
> time it entered the state and other dirty tricks.  Of course the Bush 
> administration will use this as an excuse to build more power plants and 
> rush the permitting process, sidelining any weak environmental standards 
> and community issues still in place.  Welcome to neocon xtreme capitalism, 
> where even terrorist threats get sold on the market!

Post of the Year.  Succinct and oh-so-true.  It's unbelievable how evil
this stuff truly is.  California is the laughing stock of the world -
we're now having a circus erm ... I mean, a "recall election" in part
because Governor Gray Davis is such a panzy that he allowed us to get
caught up in buying electricity contracts (after Enron scr*wed us) for
4 times the going rate because our backs were to the wall.  Whee!

Ob313: The blackout prevented the first Iggy & The Stooges show in
       Michigan in 30 years.

        - Greg

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