they make the same amount on selling 400 directly at this silly price as
they do selling 3000 12" through the distributors and shops .

why cant they sell "LTD 12's"at decent price?  because they wouldnt make any

money money money

Vinyl Underground
c/o Watts
80 Abington Street
Northampton , UK
Tel: 44(0)1604 634433
Fax: 44(0)1604 626828

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 23 September 2003 11:04
Subject: (313) peacefrog

so, this has possibly been done to death but I'm quite interested to know
what people think of these limited releases.

I mean, both of 'em so far have been very very nice. I don't have the rob
hood one yet, but I had a listen to a friends.

so is it a rip-off? I guess I feel a little aggreived at paying so much,
but I would reguarly pay that much for a second hand record I guess.

and, I guess they have to pay the artist a considerable amount, and there's
only 400 of them - so £16, I doubt they're even making much on them?

whaddya think?

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