So are you alleging that they have bootlegged Environ releases?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: FRED giannelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 09 October 2003 17:59
> Subject: Re: (313) Paging Metroplex Records
> Not to mention this little item from Environ....
> Welcome to the third edition of the Environ Newsletter!
> Feel free to forward this to friends/label/press.
> A Word on Bootlegs
> Apologies, but we'll start on a bad note so we don't have to 
> end on one.
> We've noticed bootlegs of Environ material surfacing, often a 
> whole track of
> ours with a simple a capella over it. DJ's used to call that 
> "mixing" before
> cheap opportunists decided to sell it on wax.
> Let us be clear: bootlegging kills labels and artist careers. 
> If you buy
> bootlegs of our music, or distribute it, or stock it in your 
> shop, you help
> to kill us. Do not tell yourself otherwise. Our originals are 
> regularly
> repressed (see below) and even if they were rare it still 
> would not justify
> bootlegging (despite their rarity and the difficulty faced in 
> tracking down
> the owners, we license and pay for every Unclassics reissue 
> we do!)  If you
> are bootlegging, we'll track you down and pursue legal 
> action. If you are a
> shop or distributor peddling Environ boots and we find out, 
> we will cease to
> do business with you. It is bad for everyone but the bootleggers.
> Without your support, we will disappear. We will lose the 
> opportunity to get
> our hard work to your ears. If you care for Environ and its 
> artists, and
> want to keep hearing us, please do not support bootlegs. 
> Thanks for reading.

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