---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Dennis DeSantis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>What I object to is a form of political protest that involves
>things being protested against.

i would have to say that there's a large philosophical difference
between mindless consumption of lowest common denominator goods
and the purchase of said goods for use in radioboy style
demonstration. in fact, i find something almost fantastic about
abusing the purchase by turning it around on the corporations. i
think his protest is more against the complacent mindset of the
people than the specific products themselves. changing the mindset
of people will harm all corporations, not just the ones he targets.

>If, as Tom suggested, for every Big Mac or Starbucks latte that
>purchases for use in his shows, 5 people decide never to spend
money at
>those companies again, then he´s done something wonderful and
>  But there´s simply no way to know.

there's no way to ever be sure if any form of protest is working.
i dont think that means you should quit or change strategy unless
you can see for sure that it ISNT working. im sure herbert gets
his share of email telling him about positive effects his
politically motivated music has on people. we cant see those, but
im sure they exist.

>No one at any level of the McDonalds or Starbucks corporate
>could care less what you do with their products AFTER you´ve paid
>them.  Companies don´t exist to make products.  They exist to
>profits.  And unless Herbert KNOWS that he´s decreasing sales,
then he´s
>doing more harm than good.

i absolutely disagree with that part of your argument. plenty of
designer brands have expressed irritation with hiphop stars for
name dropping them, in effect dropping their prestige factor but
also undoubtedl increasing sales. right now herbert is a small
time kind of performer, but if his crowds increase, those
corporations will care, im sure of it.

>One more time: I´m NOT blasting him for taking a stand.  I think
>writings on the subject of corporate bloat are brilliant, his
music even
>more so.

you can look at this through the pessimist's eyes: one person
buying or not buying these products isnt going to make a
difference. this is why what he does almost MUST be more efficient
than simply not spending money on the products. with the amount of
commerce generated by the radio boy performances ($100 tops per
show? maybe even less, id bet.) its not going to make a
difference, especially when you consider the possible positive



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