Nicole Slavin wrote:
stage, his musicians tear up Conservative newspapers and sample the effects,
to name but one thing he does. It's an amazingly entertaining and original
way to convey his protest.

Again, I don´t for a minute think that artists shouldn´t infuse their work with political activism. I do it all the time.

What I object to is a form of political protest that involves BUYING the things being protested against.

If, as Tom suggested, for every Big Mac or Starbucks latte that Herbert purchases for use in his shows, 5 people decide never to spend money at those companies again, then he´s done something wonderful and powerful. But there´s simply no way to know. And if that ISN´T the result, then what you end up with is Herbert buying Big Macs and Starbucks lattes, which is all McDonalds and Starbucks ever wanted him to do in the first place.

No one at any level of the McDonalds or Starbucks corporate hierarchy could care less what you do with their products AFTER you´ve paid for them. Companies don´t exist to make products. They exist to make profits. And unless Herbert KNOWS that he´s decreasing sales, then he´s doing more harm than good.

One more time: I´m NOT blasting him for taking a stand. I think his writings on the subject of corporate bloat are brilliant, his music even more so.

Dennis DeSantis

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