Reads like a statement that UR would make on a run-groove.

by the way - is there any website that lists all of UR's run-out groove
I've always enjoyed getting their records partly to see what they would say


                      "David Bate"                                              
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "313 Detroit" 
            >                cc:                              
                                               Subject:  Re: (313) axis         
                      01/14/04 10:29 AM                                         

> I've absolutely nothing against the man making a living off of his art -
> more power to him, he definitely deserves it.  But there's a difference
> between making a living and ripping off people whilst demanding their
> support.

Hmm... I've never had Jeff come up to me and demand that I buy his music
or support him.  This statement is very confusing to me.

If you're referring to this on the album:

'Support those who try to make a difference'

That doesn't look like a demand to me, more of a request or a statement.

And he also indicates that it's up to you, if you don't think that Jeff
makes a difference, then don't support him...  go ahead and support
who YOU think tries to make a difference.


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