On Tue, 3 Feb 2004, Katrin Richter wrote:

> I think the oringinal people from Detroit put a different kind of soul into
> their music, it's not about "some new depression" and not about crying. It's
> about enjoying life and the celebration of that joy.

of course, i realize its not just about someone getting in front of music
and conveying a message that makes you want to bawl your eyes out. i was
saying thats just an example of one way soul can be interpreted.

im merely stating that just because matthew is in his 20's and is white,
doesnt mean that hes not making detroit techno by default. im saying that
detroit techno has alot more to do with a certain way of thinking, not
producing. im saying that someone can be white, living in montana (or
mannheim), and can still be making detroit techno, even if it doesnt sound
like traditional detroit techno. im saying the sound of detroit HAS
evolved.... and its a shame that most of its followers havent. or at
least, they havent noticed becuase theyre too busy looking for the warm

> It's just a different soul they put into their music, neither of the souls
> is worth more or less....

completely agreed.

> I can feel that pure enjoyment and hope is a feeling in Techno that has
> passed a long time ago. Nothing has changed, Detroit is still depressing,
> America is depressing for many a black man, and I can feel that a lot of
> hearts sunk over the developments in the last year.

let me tell ya, detroit is depressing for white people too.


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