Everyone is leaving the sinking ship and is moving to Berlin - last one was
A Guy Called Gerald (Voodoo Ray)...

Welcome to the old Europe, everyone :)


---- Original Message -----
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 12:07 AM
Subject: Leaving Home

> Leaving Home:
> a going-away party for Alan D. Oldham.
> Making the move to Chicago and Berlin
> DJs
> DJ T-1000 (aka The Last DJ On Earth)
> Orlando Voorn (aka Fix aka Basic Bastard; Amsterdam)
> Shake (a true Detroit original)
> Twonz (Detroit's best-loved resident)
> Date: Thurs., Feb 26th 2004
> Place: Carbon
> 11474 Jos. Campau
> between Caniff and Davison
> Hamtramck
> Time: 8 pm-2 am
> Donation: $7
> Forward to whoever you think is interested; bring all your friends
> It's all love, baby
> www.alanoldham.com
> www.puresonikrecords.net
> PS: The Pure Sonik Sessions begin in Chicago: April 2004

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