(This is still on-topic by the way!)

>only you know what you like mate - please check it at a later date - I'll
>even tape it for you if you want, but please don't take my word on anything
>- especially music!
>I was just saying that's all - loads of my mates hate it as well, but I
>just took a little liking to it for some reason - mainly cos I can use it
>to get between disco and house and techno when dj'ing.
>*and I think it sounds hot loud too*


Yeah Alex, you're right about making up my own mind. Naturally I do. But I
like what you're saying about using it as a utility. I guess it's ideal for
that so I am more inclined to get it now than before I heard your view.
Nicely informed views is a big chunk about what this is all about innit?! So


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